Morinda citrifolia is a small tree belongs to the family Rubiaceae with a straight trunk, formerly cultivated throughout the greater parts of India. Noni tree parts including roots, leaves, seeds, and fruits have been used traditionally for the treatment of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, injury, arthritis, digestive distress, atherosclerosis, pain relief, due to these benefits we conducted an comparative study on formulated marketed finish products of noni namely Amrith Noni Ortho Plus (A) and Amrith Noni D Plus (B) and its preliminary phytochemical investigation has shown that both the products contains significant contents of secondary metabolites and further we conducted the estimation of some of the secondary metabolites namely total tannins and total saponins and we observed that the percentage of total tannins is more in product B when compared to product A and in case of total Saponins are more in product B when compare to Marketed product A, further we observed that marketed products may contain alcohol so performed simple distillation and obtained distilled product. It is further subjected for systemic qualitative analysis that showed positive result for alcohol. The research work has to be further continued on secondary metabolites for clinical activity.